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A New and Exciting On-line Professional Development Program is a new and exciting on-line professional development learning community with high quality ACVREP approved courses for Teachers of the Visually Impaired, Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and all professionals whose work requires them to know about blindness and visual impairment. is always in reach of practitioners, school systems, and specialized vision rehabilitation programs. Courses are affordable, self-paced, and can be accessed anywhere there is an on-line connection. courses cover:


Cortical Visual Impairment for O&M Specialists


Data-driven O&M Evaluation

Toddler Mobility


The Wearable Toddler Cane


The Legislative Foundations of Quality O&M School Services


The Argus II Retinal Implant


O&M for School Administrators


Parent to Teacher Communication



Visit the website at to view the course catalog and to stay abreast as new courses are added. invites all who visit the site to take the unique and special course, “Parent to Teacher, What Classroom Teachers Need to Know from Parents of Children Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired,” from the heart and mind of a parent of a young teen who recently lost her sight. This course is a gift from the instructor to share with parents and classroom teachers for positive educational experiences.  




  “…these are wonderful classes. There is pretty much nothing like this offered so I know they will be a hit!” Gregory Santamoor, Director Educational Vision Services, NYC Department of Education.




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