Roberta Becker has been teaching visually impaired children and adults for more than 40 years. She holds certifications in the following areas:
• Library of Congress Certified Braille Transcriber
• Teacher of Children with Visual Impairments (TVI)
• Rehabilitation Teacher
• Special Education Teacher
• Nursery-Grade 6 Teacher
Besides teaching children and adults to read braille, Roberta has taught braille and other classes to fellow TVIs at San Francisco State University. She has previously co-authored, with Phil Mangold, the book Literary Braille Practice Sentences. That book is no longer current due to the adoption of the Unified English Braille (UEB) code in 2016.
Additionally, for many years, Roberta has selected toys, books and other teaching materials that would be suitable for visually impaired and blind children. These materials were sold in Phil and Sally Mangold's mail order catalog.
Roberta has assisted in proofreading the Braille Enthusiast's Dictionary for Francis Mary D'Andrea and Cay Holbrook.
Currently, Roberta scores braille tests for the New York State Education Department, as well as the Educational Testing Service (ETS). She also works with the New York State Commission for the Blind, and directly with parents, to facilitate the education of blind children.